Personal and Family Safety Multicultural (PaFSM) Project

The Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association (MDAA) has committed to raising awareness of personal and family safety and bridging the gap in access to relevant services. Funded by the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ), MDAA aims to build the capacity of multicultural leaders and communities in areas of Blacktown, Parramatta, and Wollongong in recognizing and responding to domestic, family, and sexual violence.


This project will run as 6 individual workshops, working towards the following aims of the project:

  • Support and enhance the capability of NSW multicultural communities to support the recovery of individuals affected by domestic, family and sexual violence.
  • MDAA is committed to supporting faith and/or community-based culturally responsive initiatives that target domestic, family and sexual violence experiences of multicultural communities.
  • Encourage collaborative efforts and partnerships between faith and other eligible NSW organisations to support culturally appropriate responses.


The workshops will be run as:

  • A safe space to discuss personal and professional experiences on personal and family safety.
  • Educational workshopping and collaboration
  • Information and resource sharing