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Encompass Multicultural Aged Care Project

Encompass Multicultural Aged Care Project

In 2021, a project was initiated with the aim of connecting the elderly with the services they need and deserve through My Aged Care.

This project involved:

  • facilitating access and listening to their unique needs,
  • engaging the elderly to co-design workshops, townhall sessions
  • using technology to educate and empower seniors.

As we reflect on this transformative journey, we’ll delve into the key milestones achieved and the impact it had on the lives of seniors.

Connecting Seniors to My Aged Care is at the heart of the project and its commitment to making the My Aged Care system more accessible to CaLD seniors. My Aged Care is an Australian Government initiative designed to help elderly individuals find and access support services. Through this project, seniors were not only linked to the platform but also guided through the process of using it effectively.

Tech-Savvy Seniors was one of the remarkable aspects of this project in its commitment to bridging the digital divide. The Tech Savvy Seniors program was introduced to equip older adults with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the digital world. This initiative not only made them more self-reliant but also opened them to new opportunities for socialization and learning.

EnCompass held a forums which brought together seniors, carers, and project stakeholders for an insightful discussion. It served as platform for sharing success stories, addressing concerns, and celebrating the progress made. By connecting them to My Aged Care, actively listening to their needs, fostering digital literacy, and involving them in the decision-making process has transformed the lives of many. The commitment to bridging generational and technological divides demonstrates the power of community-driven initiatives in enhancing the lives of our elderly population.